ABYC Announces Save the Date for 2025 Standards Week

The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC), the nonprofit organization dedicated to developing safety standards for the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of boats, announced dates for its annual Standards Week, Jan. 5-9, 2025, at the Drury Plaza Hotel San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas.
Standards Week includes daily meetings for Project Technical Committees (PTCs) to discuss updates to Supplement 65 of the Standards and Technical Information Reports for Small Craft, set for publication in July 2025. All are invited to be involved and have a voice in the development of the revised or newly considered standards.
ABYC standards cover all major boat systems, and their development and annual review provide documents that significantly reduce boating accidents. A recent USCG-commissioned study showed that boats certified to ABYC standards are up to 47% less likely to experience certain accidents and reduce fatality risks by up to 58%.
“Participants at Standards Week are the experts doing the behind-the-scenes work to keep boats safe, reliable, and enjoyable,” said Brian Goodwin, ABYC technical director. “Last year, we saw many new faces, which is a great sign as we need diverse perspectives in this important consensus-based process.”
Standards Week features additional networking opportunities with leading boating safety advocates. One of the highlights is ABYC's annual meeting on the evening of Jan. 6.
Stay up to date with the latest news and updates by visiting www.abycstandardsweek.com.